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- #6400
- @001 Enter the name of the INVENTOR:
- @002 Enter the name of the LICENSEE:
- #6401/#6402 The license is:
- Exclusive
- Non- Exclusive
- #if#6401
- @100 Describe the area of the invention:
- @101 Enter the patent numbers:
- @102/@102/@102/@102 Enter the geographical area for the license:
- Worldwide
- The United States
- The United States and Canada
- #endif
- #if#6402
- @103 Describe the area of the invention:
- @104 Enter the patent numbers:
- @105/@105/@105/@105 Enter the geographical area for the license:
- Worldwide
- The United States
- The United States and Canada
- #endif
- #6403 Will improvement to patents be licensed?
- #6404/#6405 The license will be renewed:
- From time to time
- During life of patent, subject to minimum royalty
- #if#6404
- @106/@106/@106 Enter the initial term of the license in months:
- 6
- 12
- @107 Enter number of renewal options:
- @108/@108/@108 Enter number of days notice for non-renewal:
- 30
- 60
- #endif
- #if#6405
- !109 Enter minimum royalty per year for renewal in numerals:
- #endif
- #6406
- #6407
- @111 Enter the number of months for non-disclosure:
- #6408
- #end control section
- #6400
- /* Para. 6400: Patent license */
- @001, referred to as the INVENTOR, and @002, referred to as the
- LICENSEE, agree:
- #6401
- /* Para. 6401: Exclusive */
- INVENTOR licenses LICENSEE to practice an invention related to
- @100, bearing the following U.S. Patents: @101, exclusively in
- the following territory:
- @102
- and all technology related to the process for @100.
- #6402
- /* Para. 6402: Non-exclusive license */
- INVENTOR licenses LICENSEE to practice an invention related to
- @103, bearing the following U.S. Patents: @104, in the following
- territory:
- @105
- This license shall be on a non-exclusive basis.
- #6403
- /* Para. 6403: Improvements */
- Any improvements made to the invention during the term of the
- license shall be promptly disclosed to LICENSEE who may practice
- the same without further payment.
- #6404
- /* Para. 6404: Renewal on a periodic basis */
- The license shall be for an initial term of @106 months. The
- license may be renewed for @107 period of @106 months, unless
- either party notifies the other at least @108 months prior to the
- anniversary date of their intention to non-renew.
- #6405
- /* Para. 6405: Life of patent- auto renewal on yearly quota */
- The license shall be for the life of the patent, and any patents
- constituting an improvement on the original. However, if in any
- calendar year the royalties paid to INVENTOR shall be less than $
- @109 (!109 dollars) the license may be canceled by the INVENTOR
- within 60 days after the end of the end of the year.
- #6406
- /* Para. 6406: Infringement */
- If either party becomes aware of a potential infringement of the
- licensed patents, they shall immediately notify the other party
- of the same.
- The parties shall meet and then consider means for remedying the
- potential infringement. If the parties cannot agree as to a
- common strategy for the same, then the parties shall be free to
- bring litigation in accordance with the applicable laws for a
- resolution of the potential infringement.
- #6407
- /* Para. 6407: Trade secrets */
- The parties may from time to time exchange confidential
- information. All such information if written shall be marked
- "Confidential" or "Trade Secret" or other clear indication of its
- status. If such information is not in written form then the party
- claiming that the same is a confidential, or a trade secret shall
- send a written notice to the other party specifying which
- information is claimed to be confidential.
- The parties shall use reasonable efforts not to disclose the same
- for a period of @111 months after the termination of this
- agreement or:
- when the information becomes known to the public without the
- fault of the parties hereto;
- when the information is released by the disclosing party,
- whichever is earlier.
- If any of the information disclosed was known to the other party
- prior to the disclosure, then that party shall not be bound to
- keep the same confidential.
- #6408
- /* Para. 6408: Invalidity */
- In the event that the patents licensed hereunder are found to be
- invalid in an order for which no further appeal is taken, or from
- which no further appeal is possible, the license shall then
- terminate. The INVENTOR warrants that the issuance of this patent
- license does not conflict with any agreements to which INVENTOR
- is a party.
- INVENTOR and his legal or accounting representatives shall have
- the right to inspect business records of LICENSEE to verify the
- payment of royalties.
- Dated: ____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- @001
- ____________________________________________________________
- @002